Don’t get caught out: McDonald’s bosses apologise after hardcore porn is accidentally shown in store

This can happen to any business with digital screens (in particular those with TV’s that are playing Free to Air channels)… so lets all just learn from it.
Some of my points/learnings from this:
1. Don’t give in and change the content on the screens to please customers
2. Have a managed process for updating and changing content.
3. Disable the ability to change channels/content locally especially if you’re a franchise. Everything should be managed from head office. This includes which channels to display on the screen.
4. If using commercial screens, you can lock the ability to press buttons and settings on the screens. Use this feature, that’s why it’s there.
5. Make one mistake and the whole world will know about it!
Have a read of this article how a McDonald’s store accidentally was showing hardcore porn here:
We’re sorry if you landed on this page thinking you would get porn image.
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