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Digital Signage in Malaysia

I always thought that the Digital Signage technology in Australia was more advanced in some of the Asian countries but was I wrong. Malaysia in particular has some amazing digital signage solutions (ranging from Wayfinding, video walls, LED outdoor bill boards, Vending Machines and LED posters on light posts). Here’s some of the photos and video’s I took of digital signage solutions when I visited Malaysia:
I’m not sure if this would be legal in Australia but there were LED boards everywhere on the road.

Digital Signage Malaysia LED pillars in Kuala Lumpur
I managed to capture a video that showcases the solution. Each side of the LED board is able to display different content and it’s able to scroll content from one side of the screen to another.
I have been told of some very smart marketing campaigns of using images of people holding up the bridge.
On some of the main roads, there was also large outdoor LED boards, like this one:

Digital Signage Malaysia Outdoor LED boards

Digital Signage Malaysia Outdoor LED
Having LED screens on light posts was also common in Malaysia:

Digital Signage Malaysia LED Light Post

Digital Signage Malaysia Light Post
One of the most impressive solutions that just had the WOW factor was at LEGO land. In the swimming area of the WET LEGO Land theme park, they have a touchscreen kiosk that is used to open and lock lockers. The way that it works is you have to enter some of your details, Name, Date of Birth, choose the size of the locker, scan your fingerprint (optional) and insert the money (about RM$20). Then you can use either your PIN code (date of birth) or your finger print to open the locker. The interface on the screen wasn’t the greatest but functionality wise, it did do it’s job. There were about 4 of these units and you are able to open your locker at any of these kiosk.

Digital Signage Malaysia Touchscreen Kiosk
In some of shopping malls, there were Wayfinding stands located at the main entrances and near the escalators. The interface of these wayfinding solutions was pretty simple and it didn’t actually show you the route of how to get from where you are to the destination.

Digital Signage Blog Malaysia Wayfinding Shopping Centre Mall
Some Shopping Malls even used an iPad for Wayfinding which is probably the most cost effective solution available.

Digital Signage Malaysia Wayfinding iPad
Another location with plenty of digital signage screens were airports. Here’s one displaying the weather forecast at the luggage pickup area.

Digital Signage Malaysia Airport Weather Forecast
In Kuala Lumpur, there was a 5×6 Samsung Video Wall which displayed the weather, local advertising, infomercials and Flight timetable information.

Digital Signage Malaysia Video Wall Airport
Pretty much all of the hotels had some form of digital signage solution, especially at the Main Reception area.

Digital Signage Malaysia Welcome Board reception
At one particular hotel (HOTEL JEN), there was a vending machine with a small LED screen used for advertising purposes.

Digital Signage Malaysia Vending Machine
Here’s a video of what content was being displayed on the screen.
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We provide custom digital advertising solutions. We supply display screens, Video Walls, Touchscreens, Wayfinding, WordPress Plugins, create custom applications and basically implement any technology that is innovative.
Hi Najib,
It’s great to see a lot of the Asian countries adopt the use of Digital Signage and all the best with your future projects.