Digital Signage Klips: Easter Show Homebush Sydney Australia

This weeks klips are pictures we took at the Easter Show Homebush Sydney Australia. This is actually the first time I attended the show and I couldn’t believe how many people where there and how big the show area was. I only spent a few hours there and only covered 1/4 of all the events.
Before you actually enter the show area you will notice a big led screen at the entrance:
Basically, digital signage was everywhere. There was quite a number of stalls which had digital signage and I believe that they were running the content from a CD/DVD player as I couldn’t find a PC or embedded appliance. By the way I didn’t see any kiosk or digital signage screens with directions or way finding. I actually hope to see this next year and if the organisers wants to contact us feel free to do so as we will be able to assist. Here are some photos of the digital signage screens:
If you have klips you would like to share with the rest of our readers let us know by sending an email to info@digitalsignageblog.com
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