Digital Signage Portal Newsletter 2009#6

It’s been another busy month and we’re very delighted to see the number of members on the digital signage portal growing.
For this particular newsletter, we decided to promote our portal and showcase some of the functionalities and features the portal brings to our members. Many of you may not have the time to fully take advantage of the portal functionalities but let me remind you that by participating in forum discussions and submitting your blogs entries (just to name a few), you’re actually exposing your business to thousands of readers around the world – this is one of the many advantages of using the digital signage portal.
Lets firstly look at the digital signage portal forum.
Here’s the list of some of the recent forum posts:
Re:RePromotion launches its new ITTV software Travis@BluePony Introducing your Business Saturday, 19 September 2009 RePromotion launches its new ITTV software RePromotionUK Introducing your Business Friday, 18 September 2009 Digital Signage Site up and running. Travis@BluePony Blue Pony Wednesday, 16 September 2009 Off Topic Travis@BluePony General Discussion Wednesday, 09 September 2009 Re:Using Blue Ray technology Travis@BluePony Video Wednesday, 09 September 2009 Re:Blue Pony News Travis@BluePony Blue Pony Saturday, 05 September 2009 Blue Pony News Travis@BluePony Blue Pony Thursday, 03 September 2009
Here, we have the facility for businesses to introduce themselves and also if you’re looking for help with digital signage, then the forum is the place to search and post. This community is based on helping one another, so head out to the forum and get involved…share your thoughts and help your fellow digital signage businesses.
Secondly, the myBlog facility allows members to submit posts (yes…. PR articles and anything you would like to share with others). Once you submit your post, other members can comment your blog posts. Sometimes maintaining a blog website can be a challenging and tedious process, so we’ve done the hard work for you so start posting now. All you have to do is login, click Write a post in your user menu located on the left hand column and start posting!!! Here’s a few example of what people have submitted:
1. In Store Signage – Does this work:
2. Minicom Digital Signage and The Digital Signage Show Europe announce cooperation
So for those of you who haven’t visited the portal in a while, I encourage you to log back in and see the changes we’ve made and we do hope you can frequently participate in the portal activities. When do get a bit of time, we’re going to re-vamp this website as well so keep a lookout for this. Finally, we’re always looking for feedback so if there’s anything that you would like to see or you think we should improve let us know.
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