lang="en-US"> Techie Question: If it's a digital video signal, why does the video - Digital Signage Blog
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Techie Question: If it’s a digital video signal, why does the video quality degrade when using ethernet cabling?

Just recently, I was involved in a discussion with a couple of friends about whether one of them should install network cabling throughout his new home.  We started brainstorming reasons why he should do it:

1. You’re able to connect to your Local Area Network with faster and more reliable speeds than wireless

2. It will be more secure than wireless

3. Cheaper to install the cabling before the walls go up

4. You’re able to use the network cabling to extend video and sound

Now, whilst we were talking about point 4, we ended up having a heated debate whether you degrade video quality when extending a DIGITAL video signal. One my friends raised a good question which was “If you send 0 & 1’s down the ethernet cable, you would expect those 0 & 1’s to come out the other end. So why would you loose video quality if it’s digital?” – that was a really good question and I was quite reluctant to answer because I didn’t have an answer.

So for those techies out there, how would you have responded to this question?

Feel free to respond to this question by adding a comment.


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