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You’re hired: The Apprentice and Digital Signage

We all know who (Sir) Alan Sugar is, and the role he plays on The Apprentice, but did we know that he has a Digital Signage company?

The company is called Amscreen with Lee McQueen (winner of this year’s The Apprentice) as the development director. Amscreen plans to roll out 15-inch LCD screens (carrying ads and customer information) across pharmacies in Birmingham and Oxford, UK.

We believe digital signage has great potential to create additional revenue streams for a range of brands and retailers. Customers can now control their own media in real-time. This makes it the most easy-to-manage, cost-effective digital signage solution on the market, said Alan.

Information and quotes sourced from

I myself have not seen any of Alan Sugar’s The Apprentice series, so I’m curious to find out whether or not any part of this digital signage company was aired in any of the episodes.

Did Alan Sugar’s digital signage company get any airtime on The Apprentice?


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